The Numbers

In 2017, there were 128,188 reported traffic accidents throughout Pennsylvania. Broken down, that averages around 351 crashes per day and 15 per hour. Out of those, 80,612 people were injured, or 221 people per day at around 9 injuries per hour. Worse, 1,137 people lost their lives, which averaged 3 per day, 1 every 8 hours.

Step by Step Guide to Handle a Car Accident

  1.  Move to a Safe Area
    1. If possible, move your vehicle out of traffic. If your car is able to drive, find a close by area, such as a parking lot or side street, to pull into. If there is no area to pull into, pull your car over to the shoulder.
    2. If your car cannot move, put your hazard lights on. This should alert other drivers that your vehicle is there and not moving. When safe, exit your vehicle.
      1. If you are on a major highway and cannot move to the shoulder, STAY IN YOUR CAR! 
      2. You are safer in your vehicle than on foot.
  2. Make the Area Safe
    1. If you were able to move out of traffic, safely exit your vehicle.
      1. Ensure your car is off, in park, and the emergency break is set.
      2. Open the door only if it is safe. Do not exit your vehicle into traffic.
    2. Place road safety items, such as flares or cones, behind your vehicle.
      1. Place the items in a way that will help other drivers notice where you are so they can keep clear.
      2. Place the items in 15 foot intervals.
  3. Check on Others Involved
    1. Ensure everyone inside your vehicle is not hurt.
    2. Check on other involved in the crash.
      1. Other vehicles involved
      2. Pedestrians
    3. If there is any injury, including minor injuries, call 911 immediately.
  4. Call the Police
    1. If no one is injured, call your local non-emergency phone number
      1. If you do not know your local non-emergency number, call 911.
      2. If there are no injuries and both cars can drive, police may not respond.
  5. Gather Information
    1. Write down as much information as you can from other parties involved, such as;
      1. Other drivers name
      2. Passengers names
      3. License plate numbers from all vehicles involved
      4. Makes and models of all vehicles involved
      5. Contact information of any witnesses of the crash
      6. The location of the accident
      7. The name and badge number of the police officers
  6. Document the Accident
    1. Use your cellphone or camera to take photographs of the scene IF SAFE.
      1. Take pictures of the damage to your car.
      2. Take pictures of the damage to their car.
      3. Take pictures of their license plate.
      4. Take pictures of any obstacle that was struck.
      5. Take pictures of any skid marks in the road.
      6. Take pictures of any injuries to the parties in your vehicle.
  7. Contact your insurance
    1. Give the representative any information that they ask for.
    2. Do not give information that they do not ask for.


Let law enforcement decide who is at fault in the accident. If the police do not show up, allow the insurance companies to determine fault.

If you or a loved one has been injured or passed away in an automobile accident.

Contact the Law Office of Vincent J. Caputo right away. You may be entitled to compensation. Your future? Our priority!