At Caputo Law, our legal team in Chester County adeptly handles an array of criminal theft cases, including:
- Retail theft
- Theft by unlawful taking
- Fraud
- Extortion
- Receiving stolen property
- Robbery
- Burglary
If you’re facing criminal charges, seeking legal advice promptly is crucial. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.
Retail Theft or Shoplifting
Shoplifting stands as one of Pennsylvania’s most prevalent theft offenses. The severity of a retail theft charge hinges on:
- The value of stolen property
- The individual’s prior history of theft crimes
Instances constituting retail theft encompass various actions such as taking merchandise from a retail store, altering price tags, or under-ringing merchandise. Prosecution must establish intent to deprive the merchant of property without payment for conviction.
Theft by Unlawful Taking
This statute encompasses the general theft provision in Pennsylvania. It involves unlawfully acquiring another person’s personal or immovable property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of it.
Theft by Deception
Involving fraudulent activities, theft by deception entails creating false impressions, preventing information disclosure, or failing to correct previous false impressions. Prosecution must establish the defendant’s intent to deceive or benefit unlawfully.
Theft by Extortion
- Extortion occurs when one intentionally obtains or withholds property through threats, coercion, or harmful acts. Severity depends on the property value involved.
Robbery involves theft accompanied by violence, threat of violence, or infliction of bodily injury. Severity varies based on the circumstances.
Penalties for Theft Crimes
Pennsylvania categorizes theft crimes as felonies, misdemeanors, or summary offenses, each carrying distinct penalties, including fines, imprisonment, and collateral consequences like immigration or employment issues.
Defense Strategies
Defense options in theft cases may include disputing property value, asserting right to property, lack of intent, consent belief, false accusations, mistaken identity, or constitutional violations.
Whether challenging evidence or negotiating reduced charges, our legal team at Caputo Law ensures a relentless defense tailored to your case’s unique circumstances.