Pennsylvania House Bill 1216, amended October 2018, issued protections for law enforcement officers, animal control officers, humane society police officers and emergency responders from liability of damages when removing a dog or cat from a locked motor vehicle. These responders have to follow certain steps in order to be protected. These steps include:

  1. Has good-faithreasonable belief that the dog or cat is in imminent danger of suffering harm if not immediately removed from the motor vehicle.
  2. Makes a reasonable effort to locate the driver of the motor vehicle prior to entry.
  3. Takes reasonable steps to ensure or restore the well-being of the dog or cat.
  4. Uses no more force than necessary under the circumstances to enter the motor vehicle.
  5. Leaves notice on or in the motor vehicle stating the reason entry was made, the name of the person and the person’s employer, a telephone number and, if possible, the location of where the dog can be retrieved.

This law is for both hot and cold days.

If it is too hot/cold for you to be in the car, it’s too hot/cold for them!

The Law Office of Vincent J. Caputo is dedicated to informing our friends and clients of new and amended laws. If you or a loved one has a legal issue involving a pet, contact our experienced legal team. Your future? Our priority!